apacman.conf − apacman AUR wrapper optional configuration file
apacman will attempt to read apacman.conf each time it is run.
# /etc/apacman.conf
Flags must be set equal to 1. No spaces are allowed. Each
option must be lowercase (except for URLs and colors which
must be UPPERCASE).
auronly = 1
Only do actions for AUR.
buildonly = 1
Builds packages without installing and removes new build depends after.
cachevcs = 1
Installs cached VCS packages if newer than AUR PKGBUILD versions.
ignorearch = 1
Ignore missing architecture in PKGBUILD (mostly for ARM systems).
keepkeys = 1
Do not remove imported PGP keys.
legacy = 1
Use AUR3 repo rather than AUR4 (deprecated).
needed = 1
Do not install up-to-date packages.
noaur = 1
Do no actions for AUR (hint: useful with --warn).
noconfirm = 1
Do not prompt for any confirmation.
nodatabase = 1
Do not store local AUR database.
noedit = 1
Do not prompt to edit files with EDITOR.
nofail = 1
Do not continue if a package fails to build.
nosource = 1
Do not source PKGBUILDs (WIP).
preview = 1
Prompt to edit PKGBUILD and .install before building.
progress = 1
Status updates to terminal title (1) or libnotify (2) or both (3).
purgebuild = 1
Remove unneeded build dependencies.
quiet = 1
Do not show packages descriptions in search.
skipcache = 1
Do not install from pre-built packages in cache directory.
skipinteg = 1
Ignore missing or invalid source file hashes.
skiptest = 1
Do not install unit test packages.
warn = 1
Do not exit on errors, treat as non-fatal warnings.
tmpdir = path/to/temp/dir
Overrides the default
temporary directory for apacman to build packages in. A
tmpfs (RAM disk) directory is recommended. Directory must be
"owned" by user.
Default: /tmp/apacmantmp-$UID
NOTE: root builds packages as aurbuild
makepkgconf = path/to/makepkg.conf
Overrides the default
location of the global makepkg configuration file.
Default: /etc/makepkg.conf
usermakepkgconf = path/to/.makepkg.conf
Overrides the global
makepkg.conf with a user makepkg configuration file.
Default: $HOME/.makepkg.conf
pacmanconf = path/to/pacman.conf
Overrides the default
location of the global pacman configuration file.
Default: /etc/pacman.conf
savedir = path/to/cache/dir
Overrides the default
location of the package cache directory.
Default: /var/cache/apacman/pkg
database = path/to/database/dir
Overrides the default
location of the apacman DB directory.
Default: /var/lib/apacman
pacmandb = path/to/aur.db
Overrides the default
location of the locally installed AUR package DB.
Default: /var/lib/pacman/sync/aur.db
pkgfiledb = path/to/aur.files
Overrides the default
location of the pkgfile-format local AUR package DB.
Default: /var/cache/pkgfile/aur.files
localrepo = name
Overrides the default name
of the AUR repository.
Default: aur
editor = nano −w
Overrides the default text
editor for PKGBUILDs.
Default: $EDITOR or vi
pager = less −R
Overrides the default text
viewer for comments.
Default: $PAGER or less
RPCURL = url/to/AUR/Search
Overrides the URL address
to the Arch User Repository’s RPC-interface API.
Overrides the URL address
prefix to the Arch User Repository’s PKBUILDs.
Default: https://aur.archlinux.org
WEBURL = url/to/AUR/WebUI
Overrides the URL address
prefix to the Arch User Repository’s WebUI.
Default: https://www.archlinux.org
Overrides the URL address
prefix to the Arch Build System’s PKBUILDs.
Default: rsync.archlinux.org
Use apacman with colorization if your terminal supports it.
COLOR1 = [escape] [format] [color]
Overrides the bold color.
Default: ’\e[1;39m’
COLOR2 = [escape] [format] [color]
Overrides the version
Default: ’\e[1;32m’ (green)
COLOR3 = [escape] [format] [color]
Overrides the repository
Default: ’\e[1;35m’
COLOR4 = [escape] [format] [color]
Overrides the URL color.
Default: ’\e[1;36m’
COLOR5 = [escape] [format] [color]
Overrides the attention
Default: ’\e[1;34m’ (blue)
COLOR6 = [escape] [format] [color]
Overrides the warning
Default: ’\e[1;33m’
COLOR7 = [escape] [format] [color]
Overrides the error color.
Default: ’\e[1;31m’ (red)
OS Hazard <oshazard+apacman@gmail.com>